Good Practice
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
The price on “Excellent Research” within the Ceremony of Dies Academicus was awarded for professors with high research activities and motivation based on their publishing activities, efficient, focused operation and didactic skills. Aim of the action as an incentive instrument was to support the increased research activity at the HSWT as well as to highly appreciate the engagement of the researchers.
The project “EU-Strategy-FH” at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) aims to increase the motivation and engagement of scientists to participate in EU-research projects. Therefore, the framework conditions need to be optimized to become research but also the entrance to research well-supported. One essential component is to honor researchers and their success appropriately and to demonstrate that research is a core mission besides teaching within the entire portfolio of the HSWT. Research has gained importance significantly in the last decade and we want to highlight this prominence.
Every year at the Dies Academicus the best teacher and the best graduate are being awarded. These awards are presented in a very worthy setting and in front of a large audience. In order to honor the commitment of the researchers as well, a prize for the best researcher was awarded for the first time in 2019. This ceremony has been also joined by the Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler.
The best researcher has been selected from the research information system based on criteria such as the amount of third party funding, size of consortia, publications deriving from the projects etc. On this way, high transparency and fairness has been ensured.
The extraction of the database can be done in reasonable time as well as the award ceremony doesn’t generate extra costs, because Dies Academicus is already an established event at the HSWT. The importance of research for the directorate of the HSWT became visible for the entire community at Dies Academicus. There was a high curiosity to be noticed amongst the researchers, on who will be awarded. The importance of research for the directorate became visible for the entire community at the HSWT.
Meike Dlaboha
EU Officer
+49 8161 71-6310