Good Practice
Trier University of Applied Sciences
In the EU Fundraising Seminar, participants learn how a good idea becomes a project and how researchers can submit a funding application to the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The seminar includes day trips to Brussels, Strasbourg, Bonn and Luxembourg, which provide exciting insights into EU funding policy.
In the EU Fundraising Seminar students and researchers learn together how to create a project out of a good research idea and how to prepare a funding application in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This includes structuring the idea, naming different tasks, putting together work packages, giving them a timeframe, creating a project plan and, at best also drawing up the financing of the idea.
In an interdisciplinary working group, the participants discuss their project from different perspectives, draw up a project outline, inform themselves about possible project partners and thus let their vision become reality. In addition, the participants gain insights into EU funding policy on a one-day excursion to Brussels, Strasbourg, Bonn or Luxembourg.
The EU fundraising seminar at Trier University of Applied Sciences is open to all interested persons. It brings the participants together across departments and campuses and enables them to exchange their research ideas during the semester or in the form of compact seminars. The one-day excursions to Brussels, Strasbourg, Bonn and Luxembourg also increase their knowledge of EU funding policy, for example through discussions with members of the European Parliament, a visit to the EU Parliament and exchanges with the Rhineland-Palatinate state representation.
The fundraising seminar is led by external experts who, in addition to their expertise in research funding at universities, also bring the perspective of companies to the seminars. For the day excursions, the START project invites, among other people, members of the European Parliament to engage in exchange and discussion with the students, staff and professors who take part in the excursions.
The EU Fundraising Seminar offers the members of Trier University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to transform their research ideas into concrete project proposals. The seminars thus create added value for individual students and researchers, but also for the institution, as they establish a sustainable pool of knowledge about EU research funding and promote exchange among the participants. The EU fundraising seminars thus contribute to creating a research culture at all levels – from students to researchers.
Dr. Eva Maria Klos
Research Facilitator
+49 651 8103-742