# Consultation
# Information
# Motivation

HS³ Go Europe: Three universities in Saxony-Anhalt develop European research potentials

The core objective of the project work is to increase EU application submissions at the collaborative universities. To this end, the project staff provide comprehensive services at the university locations. The service is aimed at scientists, administrative staff and transfer representatives with thematic links in the area of international - in particular European - research programs.


Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences has many years of experience in the acquisition and implementation of national and international third-party funding projects. To further expand the area of EU research, a collaborative project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was started in July 2018. Since then, the collaborative partners have been working closely together as part of the project ” HS³ Go Europe: Three universities in Saxony-Anhalt develop European research potentials” (in short: “HS³ Go Europe”).


The establishment of EU research managers via the project “HS³ Go Europe” enables close consultation and support of EU application projects directly at the locations of the partner universities. In addition to providing consultation-services for applicants, the service spectrum includes further support offers:

  • contacting of scientists with “EU potential” for a joint analysis of individual needs, wishes and possible project ideas.
  • forwarding of information on events, workshops, relevant calls for proposals and further support (NCP, KoWi, EU Office of the BMBF, etc.)
  • information distribution (EU newsletter, workshops) and presence at relevant events
  • facilitation of business trips for networking of scientists via project funds
  • support for administrative staff on EU-relevant issues
  • networking, communication of relevant information “externally and internally
  • assistance on administrative steps in the submission of applications and providing support for individual sections of an application
  • further training of staff members through workshops, seminars and networking events

The strategic further development for the area of (EU) application support is another important component of the work within the project. This is ensured by the following activities, among others:

  • Participation in the conceptual development and expansion of the relevant service unit into a “holistic” project and application service (EU support as an “embedded” component of the concept)
  • Participation in various working groups and committees, especially regarding the further strategic orientation of the HS in the direction of international research and teaching


  • Prorectorate for Research, Development and Transfer
  • Scientists and administrative staff of the university
  • Project staff of the joint project as well as of the EU-University Network Saxony-Anhalt
  • Technology and Knowledge Transfer Center (TWZ)
  • Competence network for applied and transfer-oriented research (KAT)
  • Network partners (FHnet, FORTRAMA; KoWi)


Within the project period, the number of applications submitted in various EU-focused funding lines has increased significantly. The offers for application support are well accepted by the scientists; in particular, the assumption of administrative steps during the application submission is positively evaluated. Through the participation of the project staff in thematically relevant working groups and university committees, a general strengthening of the topic “EU research” can be noted (e.g., inclusion in the internationalization strategy of the university). The establishment of the project and application service (for national and international projects) is an important milestone on the way to a further increase in third-party funding.

Further information on the project

Project name: “HS³ Go Europe: Three universities in Saxony-Anhalt develop European research potentials”
Funding source: BMBF
Funding line: EU-Strategie FH
Project duration: 07/2018 – 06/2022
Project Partners: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences; Harz University of Applied Sciences; Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences; EU academic network of Saxony-Anhalt

Contact Person

Markus Lippmann, Mitarbeiter Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Porträt

Markus Lippmann
EU Research Manager

+49 391 886-4606