Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences HM

With 500 professors, 750 lecturers and around 18,000 students, HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. Students can choose from more than 85 Bachelor and Master programs in the fields of technology, economics, social studies and design.

The university has an excellent network in the Munich economic region, fosters close contacts to industries and is committed to application-orientated teaching and research.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs has honored HM as entrepreneurial university. Students not only gain expertise in their chosen field of studies but also in entrepreneurial and sustainable skills. Trained in interdisciplinary work and intercultural thinking, its graduates are prepared to make a difference in a digital and internationally networked world. In rankings, they are among the most sought after applicants by employers in Germany.


Research at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences HM – diverse, innovative, interdisciplinary.

Together with our local, national and international partners, we develop solutions for the challenges of our modern and diverse society.

It is particularly important to us that our research projects not only provide the right impetus, but also support the active implementation and application of the solutions. This approach enables us to sustainably strengthen the innovation capabilities of our society, particularly in the Munich metropolitan region.

The research spectrum at Munich University of Applied Sciences is primarily characterized by the topics of sustainability, applied natural sciences, machine learning and social transformation.

The HM research institutes provide the expertise for specific research areas, networking and cooperation opportunities.

For us, conducting research at a high level also means educating the next generation of scientists. The Graduate School supports and supervises doctoral projects in cooperation with our partner universities, as well as independent doctorates at one of the doctoral centres in which HM and its partner universities are particularly strong in research. These are Civil Engineering, Economics, Materials & Production Engineering, Computer Science and Technical Physics.



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Contact Person

Veronika Stoll
EU Research Officer

+49 89 1265 1211