Good Practice
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Scientists at HAW Hamburg receive more support in submitting applications for EU projects in order to increase the number of EU proposals at HAW Hamburg.
In recent years, HAW Hamburg has established itself strongly in the field of national research. Many researchers are prepared to orient their research work more towards Europe. The clear goal of HAW Hamburg is to significantly increase the number of EU applications funded under the EU framework programme for research and innovation and to motivate more scientists to apply for EU research funding. The quality assurance of applications plays a major role in raising the funding rate. The aim is to support applicants in aligning their applications with the calls for proposals.
In an initial consultation with the scientists, research interests will be identified, how the topic can be placed in the European context and whether there is a suitable call for proposals. If not, the HAW Hamburg EU research support team (BROADWAY Team) searchs for suitable calls for proposals. The next step is an initial draft concept. The main focus is on clarifying the impact of the projects in the proposals and working out the common thread. In addition, applicants are supported in the preparation of meetings, in the preparation of project budgets and in the development of strategies for communication, dissemination and exploitation. We help to find partners and support with the formulation of individual proposal texts. This is done in close coordination with the respective project leader and the National Contact Points.
BROADWAY-team and scientists of HAW Hamburg
Some of the scientists would probably not submit an EU application without this intensive application support.
Dr. Maren Adler
EU Research Officer / project lead
+49 40 42875-9282
Dipl.-Geogr. Kathrin Rath
Coordination of International Research
+49 40 42875-9897