Good Practice
HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences
The Academic Advisory Board was set up to ensure that the objectives and planned EU strategy measures for the EU strategy at HTW Berlin are fed back to and anchored in the professorial staff. At the same time, it means maintaining and contacting an EU-affine research community.
Feedback of aims and planned EU strategic activities with the professorship; fostering of an EU-related research community.
Feedback on developed drafts, e.g. ethics guidelines, application planning aids, etc.
Discussions on the orientation and objectives within the EU strategy
Specific knowledge transfer, e.g. establishment of HTW experts in EU expert committees, review activities for H2020/HEU
The HTW internal committee consists of the Vice President for Research, the EU Strategy Team and two professors per department with multi-experience in applications and EU affinity.
Instead of university-wide workshops with possibly low participation, a selected panel of experts has been created here, which is attractive for the participating professors and also means that concretely upcoming strategy elements and strategic questions can be reflected on likewise with fixed contact persons. The committee meets 2-3 times a year for specific issues.
Anke Engel
EU Liaison Officer
+49 30 5019-2316